We are the Eyes, the Ears, & the Hands of God . . .

Children & Youth Ministry

2024 All-ages Sunday School
will resume in September. 

Sunday School Classes begin again in September. 
Have a great summer!

"Name that Bible Story"

What is Sunday School like at St. Paul's? Check out our end-of-the-year skit based on some of the best-known Bible stories from the Old and New Testaments!

Children's Ministry at St. Paul's

Sunday School

Sunday Mornings at 10:00 am Sept-June in the Parish Hall. Check out our 2024 Sunday School calendar (HERE), or contact Kathy Baird for more information. Always check the Google Calendar (here) to confirm the schedule.

Youth Sundays

Our youth serve as ushers, lectors, and intercessors in this special, once-a-month service. These are listed as "Youth Sunday" on our calendar. Contact Kathy Baird if you would like to participate

Special Events

Pageants and plays help us celebrate the major feasts of the church year. See the Sunday School schedule, or contact Karen Nash for more information.

Busy Bags

Busy bags are always available in the narthex (church entrance, near the door) with Bible lessons, books, crayons and markers to help make church more enjoyable for active youngsters.
Contact Kathy Baird for more information. 


Our nursery is located in our parish hall, and is equipped with toys, books, a changing table and a rocking chair, and is open and available whenever church is in session. There is a large screen with a live feed of the service so those attending to the needs of young children can stay connected to worship. Please contact Marianne Daly for more information.

BSA Scout Troop 480
BSA Cub Scout Pack 54

St. Paul's is proud to be a charter organization and home to BSA Troop & Pack 480. Click to find out more about Scouts in Woodbury, CT. Contact Marianne Daly or Monica Gati with inquiries.

Candids 📸

Time for fun, family, faith, & love all year round: pictures below from the Christmas Pageant, St. Valentine's Day, Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras), Palm Sunday, and more!


294 Main Street South
Woodbury, CT 06798, US

Worship Services at St. Paul's

Sunday Morning Service @ 10 a.m.
Sunday Evening Service @  5 p.m.

Rector's Forum @ 9 a.m.
Coffee Hour following Sunday morning service

St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Church open daily for prayer
Office: Mon, Wed, Thurs afternoons, by appointment

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