
What does it mean to be a member at St. Paul's Church?

The commitment of membership is a mutual agreement between the individual member and the clergy and congregation as a whole. At St. Paul's we like to think of membership in three ways: Become, Belong, and Serve, and all in the love of Christ.


Becoming is an ongoing process of drawing closer to God through Word, Sacrament, & Prayer.

Learn more here


Belonging at St. Paul's means participation in our common life, sharing our joys and sorrows, and caring for one another as members of the Body of Christ.

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Service is an expression of our commitment and gratitude, and comes in many forms, from community service to being a part of parish leadership. Your gifts are essential to the life of our parish!

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Becoming a member of St. Paul's

These are just a few of the many questions you may have about what it means to be a member of the Episcopal Church generally and St. Paul's Specifically. I hope this will help, not only to answer some questions, but to provoke more! And I am always happy to talk with you about any of this and more. Please do not hesitate to email or call me at (503) 267-3028.

Rev. Tuesday Rupp

Who can become a member?

Any baptised person can become a member of St. Paul's Church. Members age 16 and older whose baptism has been registered with an Epsicopal Church, and has attended worship and received Eucharist at least three times in the past year, is considered a voting member of the congregation, and is eligable to participate in the leadership of the church.

What do you mean by baptism?

Baptism means initiation by water and the Holy Spirit in the name of the Trinitarian God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). It is the first Biblical sacrament, an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace. Baptism is the beginning of a committed journey of Christian faith, welcoming the baptisand (person being baptised) into a loving community of faith. Many people are baptised as infants, but anyone can be baptised at any age. 

For a detailed description of Baptism, start here.

I would like to be baptised (or have my child baptised) at St. Paul's. How do I do that?

Congratulations! We are delighted that you would like to be yourself or have your child received into the household of God through the sacrament of Baptism. To learn more and discuss details, please reach out to our rector to schedule a time to meet and talk.

I am not baptised and I am not ready to do that right now. Can I still come to church?

Yes! Of course! You are always welcome to attend worship, community events, formation classes, children's worship, etc. We are so glad you are here. 

I was baptised in a different kind of church or denomination. How do I become a member of the Episcopal Church?

Those who have been baptised and/or confirmed by an Episcopal bishop are considered members in the Episcopal Church.

If you were confirmed in another denomination (such as Roman Catholic or Lutheran) we strongly encourage you to be received into the Episcopal Church by one of our bishops. To learn more about confirmation and reception please contact our rector.

I was a member at a different Episcopal Church and I want to become a member at St. Paul's. How do I do that?

Prospective new members meet with Rev. Tuesday to talk about what membership means at St. Paul's. The next step is that a letter of transfer is requested from the clergy of the previous congregation. Once the letter is received by St. Paul's, the new members are added to the church rolls.


294 Main Street South
Woodbury, CT 06798, US

Worship Services at St. Paul's

Sunday Morning Service @ 10 a.m.
Sunday Evening Service @  5 p.m.

Rector's Forum @ 9 a.m.
Coffee Hour following Sunday morning service

St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Church open daily for prayer
Office: Mon, Wed, Thurs afternoons, by appointment

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